Project Summary
Role Design Lead
Course CUAppDev Project Team - Fall 2014
Project iOS App Development
Technologies Sketch, Keynote, Photoshop, Illustrator, Xcode, Swift

Food for thought, in your pocket

Cornell has many great places to eat, and students want an easy way to find locations, look at menus, and view hours. As part of a project team that creates apps, we wanted to create something that would be really useful for students, faculty, and staff. Finding hours and menus for Cornell Dining locations can be tedious, and this app endeavors to make that part of student life a bit less painless.

Early prototypes

Our design team brainstormed several ideas we wanted to put in the first version of the dining app. We wrote them on a whiteboard, ordered them by priority and decided to tackle the features we decided on, mainly the display of hours, locations, menus, and payments. Below are some early prototypes created by some of the team members.

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